The blackend chicken breast came out tender, juicy and flavorful, and the cajun sauce was delicious, really bound all the flavors together. It was reasonably quick and easy to m...
This is easy to make and everyone loved it when I brought it for Thanksgiving dinner. Had several requests so I made it again for Christmas dinner.
Classic German beef pot roast that is marinated with vinegar, spices and seasonings. It's traditionally served with red cabbage and/or spaetzle or even pasta. Perfect for celebr...
I did mine in my slow cooker and used Boston butt instead of a roast. I let it go on low for 10 hours. Fabulous!
These Mexican beef fajitas were awesome, used steak seasoning recipe from the site as well. Delicious! I will be making this recipe again for sure, and have added it to my recip...
A light and healthy pasta dish. Make certain to use high quality tomatoes, preferably fresh.
A moist, fluffy and delicious carrot cake, and it is very easy to make, it's always a hit at my family dinner table.
Become an All-American by preparing this savory dish that will have you licking your lips.
Stuffed with apples the thick pork chops create an elegant impressive main dish. Topped off with an easy Apple Jelly glaze makes this recipe a winner.
Another pork roast recipe that will create a savory aroma in your kitchen and have your kids eager to have dinner.
Be an All-American with this delectable chocolate cake that is the perfect dessert after a hearty dinner.