Gluten-free cookies made with peanut butter, chocolate chips and chickpeas (garbanzo beans). Give it a go, and you will be surprised by how delicious these sweets are.
A veggie hating friend was over dinner and declared "wow, if my mom made vegetables like this!" as he went for seconds. The maple coated cashews are excellent in this recipe and...
"Cappuccino Crunch Cake combines coffee ice cream, pound cake and NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Milk Chocolate Morsels for a rich and creamy frozen dessert!
A simply delicious meal for busy week-days or a cozy dish on the weekends. Layers of yummy flavor and can be served with any pasta.
A delicious way to make some stuffed mushrooms, the combination of prosciutto, wine and all the spices is so tasty, mixed with bread crumbs, stuffed into the mushroom caps. They...
An Eastern European pastry with a rich history and cultural significance. They are traditionally made from a simple dough consisting of cream cheese, butter, and flour, and fill...
Instead of the raisins, this Apple Strudel uses dried cranberries instead. It's also lighter, crispier and easier to make by using phyllo pastry instead of typical thick pastry.
The best bread pudding ever! Even better than my mother's old recipe, which was hard to improve on.
Lots of flavor, and the recipe is easy to follow. My family loves this dish. Will be making it again for sure.
Easy garlicky roasted potatoes. Like scalloped potatoes but without a goopy sauce.