A tasty yet hearty banana bread. Lots of banana flavor, and nutmeg enhances the banana taste and adds a zing. Not too much sugar but just right amount makes this bread ideal for...
A scrumptious casserole made with chicken, celery, rice and a variety of cream soups.
A succulent and savory beef casserole made with cream of mushroom soup and cream of celery soup.
Let your wok do the job with this tasty and scrumptious chicken dish that will have you licking your lips!
Make your ribs kick with this Chinese-style dish that can easily be made in your crockpot.
Get hungry for this scrumptious dish made with smoked sausage, chicken, okra and a variety of spices.
Leave the ground beef in the freezer, and use this delicious recipe that uses not chicken, but fish!
Take a trip to Boston with this savory dish that is best served with bread bowls or dinner rolls.
Scrumptious chicken main dish with a green chile kick that is tamed by creamy cool sour cream.
If you're going to meet your loved one's parents for the first time, you should bring this decadent cake that will definetly have them welcoming you into their family!
Make your steak dinners feel special with this savory side dish that will excite your tastebuds!
A tasty and easy to make spinach dip that tastes amazing with tortilla chips or vegetables of your choice.