A quick, easy and delicious weeknight or weekend meal. Broccoli, marinated artichoke hearts, roasted bell pepper, and fettuccine are tossed with warm sun-dried tomato cream sauc...
Similar to Chicken Tikka Masala this traditional Indian butter chicken recipe is one of the most popular curries at any Indian restaurant around the world. Butter Chicken is qu...
Roasted cauliflower, creamy and tangy curry yogurt dressing with some fresh cilantro, a delicious side-dish that you can serve with any main course; or just having it directly i...
Both cherries and ricotta cheese give the muffins super moist texture, fruity and creamy flavor. Fresh or frozen cherries, either of them will work well.
The bottom of the pizza, called the "crust", may vary widely according to style—thin as in a typical hand-tossed pizza or Roman pizza, or thick as in a typical pan pizza or Chic...
Following this recipe makes a perfect focaccia, fluffy inside, crusty outside, and very flavorful. Several rising processes make the great texture and flavor.
Using a box cake mix as a base is a time saver; substituting cream cheese for mascarpone is a money saver. Tastes like the real thing, is beautiful and surprisingly light.
Pan-seared asparagus is tender yet still crisp, tossed with mixed baby greens, a tasty vinaigrette and hard-boiled eggs. A flavorful salad that's quick, easy to make.
Fresh summer vegetables that are easy to find in the store or easily grow in your garden make this delicious and succulent spaghetti sauce.
Enchiladas is one popular Mexican food, this version uses black beans enriched with onions, garlic and cumin as the filling and salsa verde for the sauce.
This easy to make and amazing taste cardamon bread is simply delicious, we had it at our Easter dinner, our aunt made it, and it was a huge hit.
These yogurt lemon cupcakes are delicious, they are so moist and lemony; if you don't have lemon extract, just add more freshly grated lemon zest and juice; you can eat them pla...
Hearty swiss chard, crunchy red pepper, and creamy goat cheese make the pasta load with flavors. A simple and delicious week-day meal that everybody enjoys.
It's quite easy to make your own honey mustard instead of buying one from the store. By making your own you control the sodium level as store bought usually has a huge amount of...