We make things "from scratch" a lot so I like things that I can make easily. We doubled the recipe and fought over the leftovers.
An easy flaming chicken main dish that even picky teenagers will gobble up. Very simple ingredients with a tasty sauce perfect for potatoes or rice on the side. Flames optional ...
Cheesy dumplings baked on top of creamy sauce with chunks of chicken, bacon, onions and mushrooms. All in one deluxe chicken dinner.
They are best chocolate chip cookies for sure. These cookies were so easy to make, and they turned out buttery and crunchy, the melting chocolate chips gave some extra bites and...
Baked potatoes with all the trimmings, cheese, bacon, sour cream and turned into a hearty soup. YumO!
Let a succulent aroma into your kitchen with this easy crockpot recipe that's hassle free.
You'll need your crockpot to make this hearty soup made with italian sausage, zucchini and chickpeas.
Outstanding, super creamy, cheesy and belly warming. We served it with toasted garlic croutons for some added texture. It was a bit like cheese fondue but not as rich.
Lasagna lovers will adore this easy recipe that will have them drooling once dinner is ready!
Crispy on the outside, soft and tender on the inside. With a bit of attention to the preparation technique you can turn oven roasted potatoes into crispy bites of heaven.
This Mexican style casserole is full of beans and vegetables, with the two layers of the tortilla pieces, vegetable mixture and cheddar cheese, loaded the tons of tasty flavor.
General Tsao was a real person, general and poet who lived in China 155-220AD.