Classic German pancakes are made with eggs, flour and milk, and baked in the oven. The puffed pancake tastes delicious with some powdered sugar or maple syrup, or top some fresh...
Simply delicious. If you use canned beans, it only takes you about 10 minutes, a tasty and flavorful salad is ready. Have it as a side dish or a nutritious main dish.
Delicate flakey poached fish fillets topped with juicy cherry tomato-basil dressing.
This focaccia turns out crusty outside and fluffy inside, the roasted bell pepper, chilis, cherry tomato and mozzarella give the focaccia amazingly delicious flavor. Eating it d...
Here's a great technique for grilling potatoes. By parboiling and skewering the potatoes you can deliver perfectly grilled on the outside and cooked on the inside.
An easy to make no bake raspberry topped cheesecake with gingersnaps for the crust. Disappears quickly, light and fluffy dessert.
It's hard to believe a handful of spinach with a few simple ingredients can turn into something very special. You might want to make a double batch.
A lighter (less butter) version of Hollandaise sauce with foolproof directions. This lemony creamy sauce is perfect for serving with any kind of fish.
Classic jam filled cookies perfect for Christmas. Fillings can range from various jams to hazelnut spreads only limited by your imagination.
Roasting gives the brussels sprouts deliciously smoky taste, maple syrup adds welcome caramelization, and the toasted hazelnuts brings warm nuttiness. Even if you are not a fan ...
Super easy to make, and we made our own chocolate cupcakes recipe and chocolate wafers recipes, you can find both of them here too! Not too sweet, not too much butter, and also ...
This classical Halloween recipe is always popular at my Halloween parties, everyone loves them!
A great party food favorite. Tastes just like normal sausage rolls - makes you wonder just how much actual meat they have in them :P. Even my 17 year old carnivor of a brother l...