A succulent steak dinner made with hot pepper sauce and a bit of gin.
Very tasty! It's hard to go wrong with garlic, ginger, soy sauce and sesame oil, and the potatoes and sweet potatoes soaked up all the deliciousness. A great way to cook root ve...
Follow this simple recipe to make your perfect home fries to serve with breakfast omelet, delicious and nutritious.
A yummy alternative to pumpkin pie and I lightened it by using low fat ingredients! Enjoy during the holidays!
Pumpkin puree and evaporated milk make this bread moist and delicious. It's made with 100% whole wheat flour, but it doesn't look, feel and taste whole wheat at all. It comes ou...
So far this is the best eggplant parmesan I have ever had. The mixture of ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan made the dish so cheesy and tasty...
I customized the crunchy chocolate peanut butter bars into this recipe by adding some toasted oats, wheat germ and coconut flakes. They were super crunchy an delicious.
If you are a big fan of kimchi and looking for an easy yet delicious kimchi recipe, this is the one. It's simple, it's easy to do at home, and you will be satisfied.
This moist yet delicious coffe cake is made with whole wheat flour, oat bran, applesauce, peanut butter, chocolate chips and several kinds of dried fruits. It's great for breakf...
This is a traditional English sweet. Moist, rich cake with dates, covered in a caramel/toffee sauce. Best served warm.
Boneless and skinless chicken thighs, browned, coated in honey orange glaze and then finished in the oven to keep them juicy.
This recipe is my Great Grandmother Thorn's recipe. (GG's mother) So that would make it your Great Great Grandmother.
It's a delicious recipe to cook up your leftover cooked rice with some fresh vegetables and Indian spices. Quick, easy and tasty.
Easy Crockpot Beef Stew with Root Vegetables and Peas recipe
Sweet baby bell peppers stuffed with a slightly spicy and garlicky mix of cream and jack cheese. Fairly easy to prep and only 10 minutes cooking time.