Creole Pork Chops simmered in tomatoes with garlic, green bell peppers, and wine served with rice is a delightful and flavorful dish that brings together the rich and savory fla...
Easy to put together, and just let the crock-pot do its wonder. A warm and delicious meal is ready to serve when you come home from work.
They were moist and not super sweet, chunks of peaches inside were some juicy and yummy additions. Had them for breakfast and snack in the last a few days, just finished the fin...
The flavor was combination was excellent. Next time will add some whole dried chili peppers to give it a bit more kick. We served it over brown rice and could hardly stop eating...
This is a traditional Canadian sweet, much loved and admired. The origin of the recipe seems to be lost in the mists of time, though everyone seems to agree that it comes from ...
Quick, easy and tasty. A great way to make green beans into a delicious side dish.