White chocolate chips add some creamy tast to the already buttery, chocolaty, and chewy cookies. Absolutely delicious.
Quick, easy and delicious. It's hard to go wrong with cheddar, chicken and hot sauce. A great way to have something tasty to eat within no time.
Turned out great, gotta love home made apple pancakes. Quick and easy too.
Last summer, we had some fresh tomatillo from our farmer's share, then we found this recipe and gave it a try. The flavor was so good, we followed the recipe exactly, but you do...
An easy one-pan stove-stop chicken main dish braised in white wine and three kinds of mustard. Delicious and easy to prepare chicken main. Easy to scale down to two servings or ...
I love this pumpkin pie, it is wonderful, all my family love it.
This was the best pie that I have ever made and I have made quite a few. It taste like the most decadent dessert ever.