Absolutely delicious. First time I made an eggplant dip, and it was surprisingly tasty. The mixture of roasted bell peppers, eggplants, feta cheese, garlic and onion was so yumm...
Try this cheesy and scrumptious dish that is perfect for a dinner with family or friends.
Skewered marinated beef kebabs are great for grilling. This recipe features a technique to really maximize the marinade penetration. Add pineapple, peppers and onions for perfec...
A meat-less loaf with a quick and fresh tomato sauce. Freezes well, an easy make-ahead favorite packed with chunks of corn, lentils and rice. One of the best vegetarian loafs ...
Chinese stir-fry is quick and easy, also there is lots of flavor created during the process. In this recipe, boil noodles first, meanwhile stir-fry fresh vegetables; in the end ...
I prepared this sans the pork as I had none. I added frozen peas, some fresh diced carrot and rinsed and drained bean sprouts. YUM!
This delicious African style beef and rice is packed with flavors. It's a well-balanced dish that has chunks of beef, lots of beans, and vegetables. The slow simmering develops ...
A savory and succulent stew made with stewing beef, chicken thighs, steak sauce and a bit of this and that which gives it a wonderful aroma and flavor!
Everyone loves peanut butter cookies, so try this simple recipe that's perfect for a light snack for the kids.
Make a quick dinner with this scrumptious quiche made with cheese, broccoli and mushrooms.
Toss those pork chops into the crockpot with simple recipe that will have everyone licking their chops!
Don't let your crockpot collect dust. Instead use it to create this cheesy, scrumptious dish that is bound to be your family's favorite.
This is like a very thick chicken soup and the basil makes this delicious!