Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. These oven roasted potatoes come out delicious, sage gives the herby flavor and it's a light yet tasty side dish that can be accomp...
TVP gives the lasagna beefy texture, the tomato sauce makes the lasagna juicy and flavorful; ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan cheeses add the creaminess and cheesiness . An abso...
Forget the store-bought granola bars that are always way too sweet and not necessarily as healthy as you think. Making your own is always the way to go, these granol bars are ma...
These individual taco pizzas are loaded with flavors. Spread with basil pesto, topped with juicy yet chewy, and sweet oven-dried cherry tomatoes, and shredded mozzarella. After ...
These savory Mediterranea muffins are super delicious, chunks of feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, caramelized onions and roasted bell pepper are all in one bite. We are...
Too many zucchinis? Try this galette that's made with ricotta, mozzarella, parmesan cheese and zucchini; cheesy and tasty filling is held by a flaky and tasty crust.
Green beans and red onion are tossed with balsamic vinegar, honey, thyme and garlic, then roasted in the oven, which develops the caramelization to the onion, and gives the gree...
Almond givs the nutty and tangy flavor to the crust. It can be used to make all kinds of sweet or savory pies.
Stuffed mushrooms can be very tasty and addictive, but you have to make them right; we don't want the watery and soggy filling with the bland flavor. Follow this recipe that wil...
Strawberry and rhubarb are a great pair. I remember my Mom making this juicy, sweet and tangy flakey strawberry rhubarb pie; and every year when the strawberry season comes we r...
Made this recipe for dinner yesterday, and it was light, tasty and I absolutely loved it. I didn't have asparagus on hand, so I used broccoli instead, and it worked just fine. I...
Delicious recipe for an all-year round chocolate treat.
Granola is great for breakfast, packed with nutrition and very filling. Making your own is always better, lots of nuts, dried fruits and real maple syrup with some yogurt or mil...
A great method to use up the seasonal butternut squash, bread crumb mixture became crispy and golden brown after baking, and love the sweetness of butternut squash.
These cookies have a cake-like texture, very moist. The lemon juice and zest add the refreshing citrus taste, and the glaze gives another layer of zing.