This prosciutto, fontina and sun-dried tomato tart was brilliant. The combination of these three ingredients and the buttery-crispy puff pastry was absolutely delicious!
Original chile con queso contains lots of fat, try this low-fat chile con queso, and cut at least half of the fat, but it tastes delicious, even better. Superbowl day, eat some ...
This quick and easy Frittata is great for breakfast or brunch. It's tasty, light and nutritious.
Fresh vegetables, seasoned with garlic, salt, sesame oil, olive oil and a touch of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Refreshing and crunchy!
If you are a chocolate fan, this is an excellent recipe for you to try without guilt, it is much lighter than normal chocolate pie. The thick chocolate taste will satisfy you. A...
Tofu was golden and crispy after being cooked in the skillet, the mushroom sauce was made with Marsala wine, tomato paste and mushrooms, and it was absolutely flavorful.
These beautiful sandwich cookies are very tasty too, they can be a great gift for holidays. Feel free to use any your favorite fruit jam to replace apricot jam.
Mashed black beans, crunchy cabbage, and creamy avocado sauce, this combination makes a lovely and delicious sandwich that fills you up with lots of goodness.
With only four ingredients you can make this tasty and easy dish easily at home. You can effortlessly prepare it ahead of time for a picnic or have everyone design their own for...
BBQ time, we want some simple and tasty vegetables as a side dish, this green beans and pepper recipe is a perfect fit.
Quick and easy roasted salmon with a sweet and slightly citrus glaze.
An easy, tasty and hearty dish is an ideal dinner for busy weekdays. Creamy but without any dairy product, it's from the roasted walnuts that also add yummy nuttiness.
These chile cheese stuffed tomatoes were deliciously cheesy and juicy. We served these tomatoes with a salad and red wine mushroom sauce, yum!!! Definitely a keeper!