Easy and comforting weekday dinner. Pork chops smothered in a tangy paprika cream sauce.
Wow! This was my first time making a cake from scratch, and boy and I glad I came across this recipe. Moist and rich I used cane sugar and added honey, and the resulting flavor ...
An easy and tasty chowder is made with corn, potatoes and kielbasa. Some steamed rice or a few slices of good bread will help to soak up all the yumminess. A perfect week-night...
Christmas Ginger Cookies with Almond Frosting recipe.
A creamy, tasty yet refreshing pasta dish. It's inexpensive to make, and it's ready within half an hour. An easy yet delicious dinner for a week day.
What a delicious meal! Had this lamb shanks for dinner, and we were all so pleased by how flavorful it was. Loved the fennel in the dish.