Here is an excellent chicken recipe for a winter dinner in a greek style.
Chicken Florentine recipe
An excellent quick bread recipe to share!
Roasted Chicken Breasts with Cranberry Port Sauce recipe
Had this cake in a recent pot-lock, and it was so good. The cake was so moist, and the chili powder worked like a charm with chocolate. I'm glad that I got the recipe, now I can make this delicious cake whenever I feel like to.
Cranberry and lemon star in this winning drop cookie with fluffy frosting from Liz Bannon of Port Washington, which was adapted from a recipe in a Taste of Home cookbook.
These squares have a great lemon taste and look so good on a dessert tray. I found the recipe on The Pampered Chef card and they sounded so good I had to try them, I think everyone will like them. Easy to make and tasty.
This simply delicious summer dessert is refreshing, fruity and tasty.
This is the quickest, easiest, most delicious cornbread. So moist it almost doesn't need a butter pat, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Considered the national dish of Malaysia, nasi lemak is a breakfast staple in Singapore hawker centres, but is also recognised as one of the least healthy breakfast options - no surprise since lemak means 'fatty' and refers to the rich white rice cooked in coconut cream. When served with fried chicken, the dish really does pack a calorific punch. However, with a few tweaks and substitutions it is possible to create a healthier version of the dish to enjoy on weekends at home with family.