8,571 WHOLE WHEAT PASTA recipes
Sweet! Super-Circle is made with honey, not refined sugar! Dense and intense, this 10-pounder is a scrumptious medley of flavors and textures. Can you say hearty, moist, chewy, crunchy, zesty and rich? The tangy frosting makes it sing!
Meatballs without the meat in a tasty rich tomato sauce.
favorite Oven-Fried Herb Chicken recipe
Macaroni and Cheese Souffle recipe
The Colonel also had a Roasted chicken that was mighty tasty . The chicken was marinated also and then baked with his famous seasonings. The baking process was long it takes 4 hours to bake it. It is baked at 225 for 2 hours till the internal temp was at 175. But for you at home I have updated this to be baked at a higher temperature and be prepared in less time. But lower temp. is better, see sticky chicken link below for ideas.