54,991 recipes
This Punjabi dish, with some variation in spices, is eaten over all of northern India. Paneer is a fresh milk cheese with an interesting, slightly chewy consistency. It's easy to make, but requires planning ahead. You can substitute a diced 6- or 8-ounce cake of pressed tofu for it in this recipe.
Vanilla Velvet Ice Cream recipe
Bennigan's Potato Soup recipe
A main dish fried rice packed with plump shrimp, smoky ham with a touch of Asian flare.
Buttermilk Biscuits with Milk Gravy recipe
Pumpkin Cake recipe
Apple Crumble Pie recipe
Ranch Burgers recipe
Baker's Truffles recipe
Easy Biscuits recipe
Crab Broccoli Casserole recipe
Raspberry Banana Muffins recipe
The fudge cake batter is nice and fudgy, keeping it moist and the filling is perfect;not too sweet or heavy or dense.
I have searched for weeks for the recipe for bubba gump shrimp co's special strawberry shortcake. It was one of those trademark recipes so i had to travel to Chicago to ask for myself. I only managed to find out the biscuit recipe and the vanilla drizzle that goes on bottom, but the rest is pretty simple, so I guessed! :)
Nancy Reagan's Pumpkin Pecan Pie recipe
In central Italy, from Umbria to Marches, the Easter Pie is more of a bread than a pie and is known as "torta di pasqua" or "pizza di pasqua.