Made this recipe with low-fat sour cream and a bit mayonnaise, deliciously creamy, and loved the fruitiness from the apples. This coleslaw is delicious at many ways, topping for burgers, sandwiches, even hot dogs, pulled pork...
Nothing is better than a fruity and cold popsicle in a hot summer day! Orange juice is mixed into milk, which gives the creamy texture. Have some popsicles to help you cool down the hot summer!
Delish herring canapes that are perfect for any party or gathering. They will have everyone coming back for more!
Wheat Free Healthy Pancakes recipe
Chocolate Cream Rum Balls recipe
Ben and Jerry's Plum Ice Cream recipe
This handy appetizer impresses everyone, simple, easy and full of flavor and very easy to eat.
Tasty Halloween treats made into the shape of mice. Very chocolaty but not too sweet.
A creamy and hearty vegetable soup of leeks, carrots, broccoli and tomatoes that's thickened and seasoned with sesame paste (tahini).
This version of the garlicky roasted eggplant dip does not have tahini in it as with a traditional version. While I really like an "authentic" baba ghanoush, I also enjoy the commercial Sabra brand, which uses mayo and some spices. It is slightly sweet and has a little kick. This is my rendition.
These muffins are super super moist and tasty. Blueberries, bananas and apple really moisten up these muffins, also whole wheat flour, oats and flax seeds add the nutrient and nutty-tangy flavors. They are great for breakfast to start a day!
An authentic American creamy coleslaw that doesn't turn watery the next day, with a refreshing hint of lemon.
This homemade cantaloupe ice cream will for sure make you keep coming back to scoop out more. This fruity and creamy ice cream is a winner at any occasion.
Ann's Strawberry Angel-Food Cake with Sauces-Pt1 recipe
Showing 49 - 64 of 326 recipes