Classic and very authentic East Indian recipe. Chick peas (garbanzo) in a highly flavored tasty spicy curry sauce. Great served with yoghurt and fresh baked Naan bread.
Using cooked short-grain brown rice makes this super quick and tasty Asian risotto, it can be an appetizer or a simply delicious meal!
A quick, easy and delicious stir-fry, serve it over a bed of rice, yum!
It is a simple to make corn flatbread, and it can be severed as a side-dish or appetizer with some sauce or dip.
Peanut butter makes a creamy, nutty yet tasty dressing that works deliciously well with this coleslaw.
This quick corn stir-fry is packed with flavors, sichuan hot chili oil and peppercorns give the sweet corn lots of yumminess. If you don't like the corn on the cob, simply scape the kernels off, or frozen corn can be used as well.
Kabocha squash, also known as Japanese squash, has a flavour between sweet potatoes and pumpkin. You can also use pumpkin or acorn squash in this recipe.
A veggie hating friend was over dinner and declared "wow, if my mom made vegetables like this!" as he went for seconds. The maple coated cashews are excellent in this recipe and the gentle touch of sweetness balanced with the curry is great.
These are the best almond biscotti I've ever had.
I used fresh minced garlic and added some sliced green onion. I marinated skinless chicken breast cutlets for a few hours and grilled them briefly. Sprinkled with additiona sliced green onions and some toasted sesame seeds.
Truly the best ever old fashioned ginger snap cookies. Enjoy!
Rapini and tofu are stir-fried in a sweet and sour Chinese cooking sauce. A quick, easy and tasty one skillet dish, serve it over a bed of rice.
A succulent and tantalizing salmon dish made with garlic, horseradish and pure maple syrup.
Very tasty! It's hard to go wrong with garlic, ginger, soy sauce and sesame oil, and the potatoes and sweet potatoes soaked up all the deliciousness. A great way to cook root vegetables, and this can be served as a side dish or a vegetarian main dish.
Browned tofu cubes, crispy sugar snap peas, a few mushrooms and sweet bell peppers are stir-fried with garlic, ginger, scallions, and Chinese seasonings. Quick, easy and tasty, great for a busy week-day supper.
A very moist bread. Butternut squash adds the moisture and great flavor into the bread, chocolate chips and walnuts give the extra layers of flavors and textures. The glaze makes the bread looks so attractive. A delicious bread is great at any occasion.
Showing 225 - 240 of 1601 recipes