All Time Avgolemono Soup recipe
Give your spaghetti a new look by making this delicious spaghetti pie. Cheesy, juicy and warm...
A delicious casserole made with italian sausage, zucchini, rice and parmigiano-reggiano cheese.
An easy no-fuss curry chicken but without the fat of a traditional curry chicken. Pop this in the slow cooker or crockpot and serve with some rice.
Try something different when it comes to pasta with this delicious dish made with spinach and Fortina cheese.
Vegetarian Chili with bulgur and vegetables--Vegetarian chili: hot satisfying dish for fans of meatless mains.
Lean and boneless pan fried pork loin chops cook up in a flash. Glazed with Asian-inspired flavors, this juicy quick & easy pork chop recipe is a quick and easy weeknight family hit!
Serve these succulent baked German pork chops over a bed of rice or with some good bread to soak up all the yumminess.
Quick, easy, aromatic, and tasteful. Thanks.
Amigos Chili recipe
An rustic and authentic version of a very popular Palak Paneer from North India. Out of several version I've tried this Palak Paneer is the best one yet.
A simple and succulent pasta dish that is the perfect meal to enjoy while watching the evening news.
Another simple crockpot recipe where a pork-loin roast meets a delicious glaze which creates a wonderful dinner you will love.
An easy yet tasty way to cook chicken breasts. The apricot-almond stuffing added some sweet fruitiness and nuttiness, and the yogurt-apricot sauce went deliciously well with stuffed chicken breast, lots of juiciness and yumminess in this dish. Serve it with rice or crusty bread to complete the meal.
This recipe is easy to scale down. A filling, tasty yet wholesome one pot meal that's perfect for busy week days.
Marinated artichoke hearts, warm pasts, crunchy cucumber, and juicy tomatoes are tossed together with the marinade juice from artichoke hearts, some red pepper sauce, and fresh cilantro. Quick, easy, and refreshing.
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