This tomato frittata recipe is an easy and delicious way to enjoy a classic Italian dish. Canned whole tomatoes, eggs and basil with a sprinkling of Parmesan. Delish.
Very light and tasty recipe, a very good breakfast.
A quick, easy, and inexpensive dish that got my kids through college.
Fruit salad is always welcomed by kids and wwomen, this vanilla fruit salad is a good flavour!
A very easy to prepare pound cake.
This is a very great recipe, it has all kinds of nutrition that our body needs. Try to be healthy way!
Italian style ingredients prepared in a wok. This makes an easy healthy dinner.
Easy Italian seasoned broccoli. Boiled (or steamed) then tossed in aromatics.
Perfect for kids, cheese sticks wrapped in bologna make and easy packed lunch.
A quick and easy supper, ready in 30 minutes flat.
Middle-eastern style meatballs, Kofta
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