for fans of spring cabbage and untypical combinations..
An easy and tasty chowder is made with corn, potatoes and kielbasa. Some steamed rice or a few slices of good bread will help to soak up all the yumminess. A perfect week-night meal.
Taditional German Oktoberfest recipe.
Quick braising creates a nice texture and flavor. Not mushy or overcooked with simple flavors make it a quick and economical side.
Put down the take-out menus, and make this Chinese favorite in the comfort of your home.
Peanut butter makes a creamy, nutty yet tasty dressing that works deliciously well with this coleslaw.
This Oktoberfest cabbage salad is another welcomed recipe at Oktoberfest.
Finally make those cabbage rolls you've always wanted to try with this simple and delicious recipe.
Try something new when it comes to casseroles with this scrumptious dish you and your friends will love!
If you're looking for something new, try this succulent dish that will make you glad you have a crockpot in your kitchen.
An easy one-skillet dinner. Simple beef, rice and cabbage deliver a comforting weeknight main dish that satisfies.
An authentic American creamy coleslaw that doesn't turn watery the next day, with a refreshing hint of lemon.
Showing 17 - 32 of 237 recipes