Give twice baked potatoes an Indian twist with some delicious Indian spices.
Sauteed mushrooms and green onions is cooked into the omelet, adding extra texture and taste, with a cup of orange juice, a great day starts from a good breakfast...
A great hearty pot of beans your family and friends are sure to enjoy. Follow exact recipe for best results. Enjoy!!
The combination of cashews, lentils, brown rice and other spices was delicious. Right balance of the flavor and the texture, we used cherry tomatoes instead, that's what we had on hand. It's a tasty yet nutritious meal.
While growing up, my Polish-Russian grandmother, who lived with our family, made these little meat patties quite often and they were a family favorite. Here is my rendition, from what I remember when cooking with Grandma, as she never wrote the recipe down. The patties were always served with mashed potatoes, green beans, applesauce, and, of course, plenty of ketchup for the patties.
Tasty vegetable and lentil base topped with mashed potato. Lovely healthy comfort food for a winter night :D Note: though the list of ingredients can at first be daunting, dont be put off. Most are just seasoning that can be added at your own pace.
These pan-fried cakes are bursting with the oniony flavor of fresh snipped chives. Serve with sour cream and/or apple sauce.
Follow this simple recipe to make your perfect home fries to serve with breakfast omelet, delicious and nutritious.
Nothing is better than a bowl of hot and sour soup on a cold winter day. Fresh vegetables, garlic, ginger and scallions, and some udon noodles are cooked in a base of stock, soy sauce and rice vinegar. It warms you up within a few seconds with tons of flavors.
This potato and spinach frittata was delicious, and it had enough goodness for me to start off my day. You can use sweet potato, and other leafy greens such as kale and Swiss chard to make this frittata.
Slow-cooked beef patties in a creamy mushroom and onion gravy. Real comfort food.
Spot this recipe on New York Time, and it sounds great. So I did a few changes, here my version of this light spinach quiche is.
Curried Vegetables recipe
So far this is the best eggplant parmesan I have ever had. The mixture of ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan made the dish so cheesy and tasty...
Slightly sweet, these potatoes go wonderfully with roast pork.