Clean fresh greek flavors make this recipe a winner. Very clean and fresh tasting with a perfect combination of flavors.
Make your own taco sauce, canning recipe.
I used roasted bell pepper instead of pimento, which worked perfectly well. Roasted bell pepper added delicious smokiness to the coleslaw, and it was very easy to put together. Refreshing and quite tasty.
Give your chili a new look with this easy-to-follow recipe that will have you licking your fingers in the end.
An easy Mexican-style chicken, mushrooms and spinach between crispy tortillas.
These deliciously moist and lemony ricotta muffins are made with most whole wheat flour and olive oil, which adds health benefits to your diet without losing any great flavor and texture.
Italian Tomato Bisque recipe
Super quick and easy to make, and these chicken fingers came out delicious. The aroma during the cooking made the whole house smell great...
Hmmm, these cookies were so good. Nothing is like chocolate chip peanut butter cookie, just by reading these words is making me salivate. These cookies were so easy to make, and tasted absolutely delicious. I don't have to say much, you know what I mean :)
Made with mostly whole wheat flour and olive oil, these cheddar biscuits still come out very flakey. Cheddar cheese adds some tangy cheesiness. Yum!
Cranberry Lemon Scones recipe
Be an All-American with this delectable chocolate cake that is the perfect dessert after a hearty dinner.
Coffee cake that has coffee in the cake and in the glaze! Of course you can always enjoy a slice with a cup of coffee. Perfect as a morning or afternoon pick me up.