Corn and black bean give the quesadillas great texture and nutrient, pepper or cheddar cheese adds the cheesy flavor and oozy texture into the mouth, enjoy every warm and oozy bite...
This Indian dish is made with several kinds of spices, mustard greens, cauliflower and chickpeas; it's baked with basmati rice, topped with golden raisins and cashews. You can serve it as a side dish or a tasty main dish.
This homemade pizza is simply delicious. Spread some pizza sauce over pizza dough, top with freshly sliced mushrooms, bell peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, olives and onions, and sprinkle some mozzarella cheese. Within about 25 minutes, this freshly homemade pizza is ready to serve.
By following the simple steps, you will be able to make a great companion for tortilla chips, tacos and sandwiches!
This delicious and nutritious quinoa salad can be served as a side dish, or it can be a tasty yet wholesome meal all by itself.
Looks beautiful and tastes delicious! Carrot gives the nice and bright color, tarragon is a great pairing with carrot. Using cheddar cheese, milk, yogurt and egg makes a cheesy, creamy and quiche like filling, which goes very well with the tasty crust.
Shrimp Cocktail with Fresh Avocado and Mango Salsa
Black beans and fresh veggies make a delicious, refreshing yet whole some salad. Serve it as a side dish or a simply delicious main dish with some good quality bread.
Very simple and tasty vegetarian wrap.
It's hard to not fall in love with this tasty flatbread that has caramelized onion, roasted bell pepper and creamy goat cheese.
Incredibly refreshing and tasty kiwi tomato salsa that is perfectly paired with Tilapia or any fish.
Black Bean Chili Con Carne with Cilantro Pesto recipe
A sweet and sour topping of carmelized red onions that is perfect to dress up a burger.
A delicious yet refreshing salad! The dressing is amazingly flavorful.
This easy and tasty vinaigrette is so versatile. It can be used as a salad dressing, a light, tasty and refreshing drizzle over cooked fish, or tossed with pasta.
This colorful low fat salad can be enjoyed warm or cold.