by Ingredient

Recipes with olive oil

5,912 recipes

Pizza with Caramelized Fennel, Onion, & Olives

Very savory and sophisticated, especially for people who need some changes from ordinary pizza. Big hit.

Chicago Deep-Dish Pizza

Try this Chicago-style pizza that will your mouth watering as you watch it bake in the oven!

Cumin Black Bean Ham Soup

Cumin Black Bean Ham Soup recipe

Cheesy Roasted Butternut Squash Lasagna

Roasted butternut squash makes this delicious lasagna!

Open-Face Mushroom-Brie Sandwiches

Brie gives the creaminess and cheesiness to the sandwiches, sauteed mushrooms are so delicious with the brie. It takes you about 25 minutes, enjoy.

Paul's Italian-Style Meatloaf

This is from Paul, who used to run an old BBS (remember those?) with a cooking "echo". You can use all beef or all turkey. Also good with some shredded Parmesan cheese sprinkled over the marinara before serving.