Low-fat ricotta cheese and goat cheese on top of the phyllo, mixed mushrooms with leeks cooked in white wine, on top of the cheese, delicious...
A few simple ingredients make this barley casserole delicious and flavorful. An ideal weekday dinner on a cold winter evening.
A quick and easy way to make your leftover rice into a delicious one pan meal. Feel free to add cooked meat. For a meatless version, add some scrambled eggs or browned tofu cubes.
This is a fantastic recipe my mom taught me when I was 9 or 10, because it's so easy to make, and makes plenty to feed everyone.
A rich and decadent frittata packed with a variety of seafood.
Sauteed mushrooms, bell peppers with garlic, ginger, scallions and Chinese spicies. It comes out delicious, serve it as a side dish or a main course.
We love this quiche. It came out cheesy and just delicious. I used 1% milk instead of whole milk, and it was still very creamy. Of course, if you prefer a richer mouth-feel, you can use half and half.
A tantalizing and delicious pasta dish made with succulent chicken breasts, bell peppers and fresh mushrooms.
Chinese stir-fry is quick and easy, also there is lots of flavor created during the process. In this recipe, boil noodles first, meanwhile stir-fry fresh vegetables; in the end mix them all together. You have a delicious one-pot meal served within less than half an hour.
This is a great way to use up some leftover turkey breast. Not to mention after the holidays we all need a little weight watcher help!
Roasted asparagus and mushrooms are deliciously paired. Parmesan adds just enough cheesiness to bring the dish together. It's hard to resist this tasty dish that brings the smell of spring.
In this recipe, we use both salsa and tomato sauce to make this quick and delicious chili. We like serve this warm chili over a toasted hamburger bun, but just having it directly from the pot is absolutely divine.
This simple stir-fry is full of flavour. I just finished the leftover from two days ago, and it was still delicious, not only vegetarians like it... Definitely a keeper!
This dish comes from Cahors, a town in the southwest of France known for its dark, rough red wine. The sauce is equally good with salmon.
Like the name of the recipe, these veggie balls were absolutely wonderful. They came together nicely, and were packed with flavor. I have to say they are the best veggie balls I have ever had so far. I baked them in the oven for about 28 minutes to make them crisper on the outside.