Quick Raisin Muffins recipe
Corn Bread
Eggs are high in protein and contain all the essential amino acids needed for growth and repair. In addition, they contain vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. However, not all eggs are created equal: tests have confirmed that free range eggs (from hens that were allowed to roam free and were not kept in cages) are nutritionally superior and much less likely to be contaminated with disease-causing bacteria such as salmonella. They also taste better, so whenever possible always choose free range eggs.
french toast
Yes from the year 1475. Platina mentions several odd fishes not usually used today as food, such as cuttlefish, scorpions, lampreys and sea-lion. But most of his fish are still favorites-eels, lobsters, crabs, oysters, sturgeon and sturgeon eggs (which he calls caviar), salmon, sole, etc., and he gives a recipe for a Squid Dish for Days of Abstinence. Although squid is eaten today in the South of France and Greece, and can be found in special fish shops here, I would prefer salmon or halibut. But if you hanker for squid, just go ahead with it if you can find some, and be sure to have the fish man prepare it for you by removing the black liquid from the backbone.
Easy rum and raisin cookies.
An easy marinade for meat. Makes 1 1/2 cups.