by Ingredient

The Healthy Recipe

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest…

Wednesday February 12, 2025

USDA Subsidizes High Sugar High-Fat Foods for Low Income Families

Almond Ice Cream

The USDA effectively provides subsidies that help low income families buy junk food such as high sugar soda beverages, salt laden junk foods through the food stamps program. The governmental body also develops and is funding marketing programs for fast-food corporations to develop and sell foods high in saturated fat.

Top After Holiday Stress Relieving Foods

Grapefruit and Orange with Watercress

Now that the frantic pace of the holiday season has officially begun, there is no way to avoid the stress that this time of year brings. Many of us are desperately searching for ways to handle the stress in our lives, but few of us stop to consider our diet.

Meatless Monday: Public Schools Going Vegetarian

Veggie Taco Salad

In spite of opposition from the meat industry, the number of public school districts offering meatless entrees continues to rise. 

Leftover Turkey Pot Pie

Turkey Leftovers: Keep Stretching Your Dollars After the Thanksgiving Feast

The Thanksgiving feast has been enjoyed and now it is time to figure out what to do with what remains of this delicious meal. There are more ways than just a boring turkey sandwich to clear out the refrigerator.

Cheese and Veggie Skewer

USDA Plots to Feed Us More Saturated Fat

As Americans closely scrutinize how every hard-earned dollar is spent, why are their tax dollars going to fund USDA programs that both encourage healthy eating and push high-fat cheese down their throats?

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffin

Operation Rescue School Lunch

Unhealthy food calories are equal to calories from nutritious foods. This leads to cheap meals that are high in fat, salt, and sugar.

Lemon Yogurt Sauce

Canadians are Bending Over to Get Milked

Several studies have suggested the 40 year old quota system run by the Canadian Dairy Commission gouges consumers and results in millions of liters of milk being dumped down the drain.

Bean and Brown Rice Burrito

Less Take Out and More Brown-Bagging Recent Poll Shows

Recent poll shows Americans are buying less take-out coffe and are brown bagging their lunch more often to save money.

2010 Thanksgiving: Tips to Stay Thin

2010 Thanksgiving: Tips to Stay Thin

Thanksgiving is here in a couple of days. That means most of us are going to have a festive feast soon that for many impacts their waistline. Follow these tips to avoid packing on the pounds while still enjoying the feast.

Asparagus and Tomatillo

Meatless Monday: It's not just for Mondays

There’s no need to go extremist vegan or even vegetarian.  Just by developing the habit of eating more vegetables and less meat the long-term results are impressive.