by Ingredient

The Healthy Recipe

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest…

Wednesday February 12, 2025

Meatless Monday: Mario Batali Lends His Support to the Meatless Monday Movement

Meatless Monday: Mario Batali Lends His Support to the Meatless Monday Movement

The famous chef and restauranteur is taking one for the team (the Green Team, that is) and embracing Meatless Mondays — a national campaign that encourages Americans to incorporate more vegetables and less meat into their diet.

Whole Grains Are the Key Ingredient to a Trim Waistline

Quina, Fresh Veggies, Walnuts and Cranberry Salad

According to a study of 2,834 middle-aged Americans, those who consumed the most whole-grain foods had a significantly smaller waist circumference.

Your Diet is the Key to a Longer Life - Change Your Diet to Feel Healthier in 2011

Your Diet is the Key to a Longer Life - Change Your Diet to Feel Healthier in 2011

People in the “healthy foods” group were significantly less likely to die of any cause during the study period, compared with those in the high-fat dairy group and those in the sweets and desserts group, even after accounting for smoking, physical activity and total calorie intake

Insulin for diabetes treatment

Are Carbs the Key to Stopping Diabetes In Its Tracks

Fat was once the devil. Now more nutritionists are pointing accusingly at sugar and refined grains.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Where Do You Get Your Omega-3s? Enriched Eggs and Milk?

You may have noticed that the eggs and milk your family relies on to provide the calcium and protein their bodies need are now claiming to be an excellent source of another fundamental nutrient – omega-3 fatty acids.

Meatless Monday: Efforts to Increase Fruit and Veggie Consumption Are Falling On Deaf Ears

Meatless Monday: Efforts to Increase Fruit and Veggie Consumption Are Falling On Deaf Ears

Fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet and a healthy life -- so say nutrition experts who have pounded that message into Americans for many years now. However, their advice is falling on deaf ears. A report card released Wednesday shows that efforts to improve intake of fruits and vegetables are failing in many arenas.

What Are the Ingredients of a Healthy Grocery Store

What Are the Ingredients of a Healthy Grocery Store

Pamela Paul, in her article entitled America’s Healthiest Grocery Stores, reported the results of a six-judge panel’s search for the healthiest grocery chains across America. 

A bowl of healthy homemade popcorn, unlike the movies

Dark Secret in Popcorn - Movie Theater Popcorn: Not Such a Healthy Choice After All

A review of the nutritional contents of movie-theater popcorn reveals an alarming amount of fat, salt and calories in even the smallest sizes. The study, from the Center for Science in the Public Interest,

Capitol Hill Residents Look For Comfort on a Plate

Capitol Hill Residents Look For Comfort on a Plate

AS Congress passed a law last week that would stuff more fruits and vegetables into school lunches, several blocks away the people lined up for hot dogs.

Weight Watchers Now Teaches Dieters Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

Weight Watchers Now Teaches Dieters Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

For over ten years, the Weight Watchers Points system has been simple: basically, the more calories a food carries, the more points it is assigned. But in an overhaul announced Monday, the new PointsPlus system takes into account the overall nutritional value of foods, including its balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat and fiber. According to the new formula, most fruits and vegetables will carry no point.