by Ingredient

The Healthy Recipe

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest…

Wednesday February 12, 2025

Meatless Monday: Wal-Mart Announced Plans to Promote Healthy Foods

Meatless Monday: Wal-Mart Announced Plans to Promote Healthy Foods

According to Jalonick's article, as the largest grocery provider in America, Wal-Mart is in a unique position to encourage its suppliers to offer healthier foods as well as influence other grocers to make similar changes. In order to compete, suppliers and competitors will have to provide healthier, low-cost alternatives to the advantage of all Americans.

Walking More Lower Diabetes Risk

Walking More Lower Diabetes Risk

"Think about what you do each day and how you can work in more steps," advises the American Diabetes Association on its website, which recommends taking the stairs instead of the elevator. "You'll be amazed at how these extra minutes and steps add up."

2011 The Year of the Rabit: How to Prepare a Chinese New Year Dinner

2011 The Year of the Rabit: How to Prepare a Chinese New Year Dinner

The Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) is all about getting together with families, bringing good luck and prosperity to each other, and in China the rituals associated with this time of the year last for 15 days.

If Jamie Oliver can go into the L.A. High School

If Jamie Oliver can go into the L.A. High School

“Having Jamie Oliver work with our students and parents … underscores the MLA philosophy that our students' health and nutrition is critical to their success,” McGalliard said in a statement. “We hope that as Jamie continues to inspire all of us to focus on good food choices and healthy eating, that our partnership will be the first of many productive and successful dialogues he has throughout the district."

Are You Cheating Yourselves about Healthy Diet?

Are You Cheating Yourselves about Healthy Diet?

Almost 90% of 1,234 American adults surveyed said they were eating a “somewhat," "very," or "extremely" healthy food. Only 11% admitted their diet as “not very healthy” or “not healthy at all”

Meatless Monday: Eating Greens can Make You More Beautiful and Attractive

Meatless Monday: Eating Greens can Make You More Beautiful and Attractive

A new study published in Evolution and Human Behavior found a brand new reason to eat your veggies. Vegetables are low in fat, high in fiber and contain nutrients that boost the immune system and fight cancer, but they can also make you more attractive!

2011: Can Vegetables End Childhood Obesity?

2011: Can Vegetables End Childhood Obesity?

The NYU Child Study Center reports that childhood obesity causes high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease in adulthood. Children who are obese are also being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in growing numbers. Childhood obesity also causes low-self esteem and often leads to social discrimination.

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Hits the Streets of Los Angeles

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Hits the Streets of Los Angeles

On Wednesday, January 12th at 11 a.m. PST Jamie Oliver kicked off his newest effort to change the unhealthy eating habits of American kids, bringing his “Food Revolution” to the streets of America’s second largest city – Los Angeles, CA.

Almonds Stop the Progression of Diabetes

Almonds Stop the Progression of Diabetes

The research found incorporating the nuts into our diets may help treat type 2 diabetes, which accounts for 90 to 95 per cent of all cases.

The Diet of Rural China and Taiwan Holds the Key To Good Health

The Diet of Rural China and Taiwan Holds the Key To Good Health

Having sold more than 500,000 copies, “The China Study” by father-son team T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II is one of America’s best-selling books on the topic of nutrition.