by Ingredient

The Healthy Recipe

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest…

Wednesday February 12, 2025

Can Obese People Use ‘Addictions’ as an Excuse?

Can Obese People Use ‘Addictions’ as an Excuse?

While the general public accepts that food can be addictive, it appears there are some double standards when it comes to market regulation.

Your Diet Can Bring Menopause Relief

Your Diet Can Bring Menopause Relief

Learn how simple changes to your diet can ease the effects of menopause.

Combination of Mediterranean Diet and Exercise Cuts Health Risks Substantially

Combination of Mediterranean Diet and Exercise Cuts Health Risks Substantially

Those with the highest risk for obesity and heart disease were found to show the greatest benefits from a combination of Mediterranean diet and high intensity exercise regiment.

Traffic Light Food Labels Change the Way You Eat?

Traffic Light Food Labels Change the Way You Eat?

Learn how this front-of-pack labelling system gives you accessible nutritional information at a glance.

Bottled Water: Crisp, Refreshing, and Full of Chemicals?

Bottled Water: Crisp, Refreshing, and Full of Chemicals?

Find out what is hiding in your water bottle.

Could Diet Sodas Make You Gain Weight?

Could Diet Sodas Make You Gain Weight?

Many research studies suggest that the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas and foods can lead to increased weight gain – instead of helping you lose weight!

Bacterial Contamination in Organic Chicken?

Bacterial Contamination in Organic Chicken?

Is organic chicken really better for you than traditionally processed chicken?

Leftover Turkey Pot Pie

Don’t Let Those Thanksgiving Leftovers Go To Waste

Use your Thanksgiving leftovers to create delicious dishes that your whole family will enjoy!

Pumpkin Rum Pie

Let them eat Pie!

Learn simple tricks for cutting fat and calories from your favorite Thanksgiving pies without sacrificing any of the flavor!

Apple Baklava

Thanksgiving Trends 2013

Learn what is hot to serve on your Thanksgiving plate in 2013