by Ingredient

Crackers recipes

from the Bread collection

21 CRACKERS recipes

Whole Wheat Sesame Crackers
Whole Wheat Sesame Crackers

My first time to try home-made crackers, they are very easy to make, these crackers were great, very crispy and very tasty, the sesame seeds bring the huge flavor, I also made a avocado dip served with them, cream cheese goes well with these crackers too.

Olive Oil Flatbread (Matzo - Passover Bread)
Olive Oil Flatbread (Matzo - Passover Bread)

Make your own Matzo bread for use in recipes, or as a low-sodium cracker with great crunch. Perfect for scooping up hummus or dips.

Veggie Matzo Brie
Veggie Matzo Brie

A low-fat veggie matzo "brie" without the high fat brie cheese.

Whole Millet Crackers

Whole Millet Crackers recipe

Baby Teething Crackers

A tasty and nutritious teething cracker, far superior to anything you will find for sale at the supermarket. These make thoughtful gifts for babies and their parents.

Cracker Crumb Mixture

This rich crumb topping keep well on the pantry shelf or in the refrigerator. Halve the recipe if you use crumbs sparingly.

Festive Herring Spread

Tired of bringing the same thing to every party or event? Break out of your rut with this delicious festive herring spread!