Gazpacho (Moosewood) recipe
Sweet butternut squash is cooked with pearl barley, fresh lemon zest and lemon juice, tossed with cilantro or parsley. Serve it as a tasty side dish or a delicious and wholesome main course.
Loaded with fruit, protein, grains and nuts. Yummy and chock full of nutrients. Grab n' go power bars.
This deliciously fruity strawberry-kiwi pie is made with fresh strawberries and kiwi fruit. It melts in your mouth...
These lovely maple syrup roasted sweet potatoes are tasty with a nice crust to the skin, not mushy at all. The slightly tart but sweet carmelized exterior is a refreshing change to this classic fall vegetable.
Crisp and tangy little cookies, reminiscent of the ones Sunshine used to make.
An authentic American creamy coleslaw that doesn't turn watery the next day, with a refreshing hint of lemon.
Great recipe, measurements worked out perfectly. Used the resulting jelly with Apple stuffed pork chops (linked below). The sweet slightly tart would work great with some spice, perhaps red pepper flakes added for a sweet-spicy kick.
This recipe to the Mennonite colony of Ontario. It's often served at picnics and is known as one of the favorite foods at stag parties.
This classic favorite is perfect with a cup of tea or coffee. No need to spend $3 for a slice at Starbucks, it's much better to make it yourself.
Mascarpone is light and creamy, try to find fresh, local and seasonal blueberries, which make the cupcakes absolutely flavorful. The frosting is made with mascarpone and heavy cream to give the fluffy cupcakes extra creaminess and layers of flavors. These cupcakes won't last long, everybody will love them.
This Polish yeast cake is moist and tasty. Yeast not only makes the cake puff, but also adds the yumminess. Almonds and raisins are delicious addition. Glaze adds extra sweetness and cherries make the cake looks absolutely beautiful.
Pineapple Bavarian Cream recipe
Rangpur Lime Marmalade recipe
These cookies have a cake-like texture, very moist. The lemon juice and zest add the refreshing citrus taste, and the glaze gives another layer of zing.
Showing 1 - 16 of 563 recipes