by Ingredient

On the Side

When individuals contemplate what to make for their Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, there's usually more indecision regarding the side dishes.


After all, the Thanksgiving turkey is perfunctory and Christmas will inevitably be yet another turkey or a roast of some kind. But there is a staggering array of potential side dishes.

Here are a few ideas.


An alternative to this recipe, which eliminates one step, is to forgo making bundles out of the vegetables. After slicing them, either simmer them in the chicken broth and butter, or saute 1/2 them in butter and/or olive oil with no broth.




They're not done on an open fire but nevertheless are a seasonal classic. Serve them as a hors d'oeuvre or as an after dinner snack.

Simply take a bunch of chestnuts and make an X in their flat side with a paring knife. Make sure you cut all the way through their outer shell.

Place them on a baking sheet in a 450 preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. As soon as they're cool enough to handle, peel and eat.


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